Cost Benefit Analysis
About Cost Benefit Analysis
cost-benefit analysis is a systematic process that businesses use to
analyze which decisions to make and which to forgo. The cost benefit
analyst sums the potential rewards expected from a situation or action
and then subtracts the total costs associated with taking that action.
Some consultants or analysts also build models to assign a dollar value
on intangible items, such as the benefits and costs associated with
living in a certain town.
Why is Cost Benefit Analysis important?
Cost benefit analysis offers unique and valuable insight by
• Developing benchmarks for comparing projects
• Deciding whether to pursue a proposed project
• Evaluating new hires
• Weighing investment opportunities
• Measuring social benefits
• Appraising the desirability of suggested policies
• Assessing change initiatives
• Quantifying effects on stakeholders and participants
Who should take the Cost Benefit Analysis Exam?
• Project management, Costing, Finance and Accounting professionals
• Business owners
• Entrepreneurs
• Project management, Costing, Finance and Accounting managers and senior executives
• Project management, Costing, Finance and Accounting consultants
• Any professional with skills and knowledge on Cost Benefit Analysis
• Anyone interested in Cost Benefit Analysis
• Students
Cost Benefit Analysis Certification Course Outline
1. Costs
2. Estimating costs and benefits
3. Cost Benefit Analysis Basics
4. Preparing a Cost Benefit Analysis
5. Conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis
6. Understanding Cost Benefit Analysis