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Developing SQL Databases (70-762)

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Developing SQL Databases (70-762)

Microsoft Certification Exam 70-762 - Developing SQL Databases certification validates the knowledge and skills of a candidate for designing and implementing SQL Server databases. This exam assess skills to design, create, and maintain database solutions to ensure performance, security, and data integrity. Candidates are tested on their knowledge about the development of a database, all through concepts regarding the creation of tables, stored procedures, and functions along with security measures, data access, and performance tuning.

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Our 70-762 paid practice tests offers complete coverage of the 70-762 exam, with in-depth answers created by our experts.

Why is Developing SQL Databases (70-762) important?

  • Validates skills in SQL Server database design, development, and management.
  • Improves career prospects in database administration and development jobs.
  • Validates expertise in security and performance best practice implementation.
  • Credibile certification from Microsoft, a reputable organization within the IT sector
  • Assures companies that candidates, can design and maintain database solutionsa

Who should take the Developing SQL Databases (70-762) Exam?

  • Database Developers
  • SQL Server Database Administrators
  • Application Developers
  • Business Intelligence Developers
  • Data Engineers
  • Systems Analysts
  • Data Warehouse Developers
  • Software Developers

Developing SQL Databases (70-762) Certification Course Outline

  • Design and implement database objects (25–30%)
  • Implement programmability objects (20–25%)
  • Manage database concurrency (25–30%)
  • Optimize database objects and SQL infrastructure (20–25%)

Developing SQL Databases (70-762) FAQs

You gain skills in database design, T-SQL development, and security implementation.

Topics include database design, T-SQL development, security implementation, and performance tuning.

IT professionals, like database developers and SQL Server administrators, should consider this exam.

It is a certification exam that tests your ability to design and implement SQL Server databases.

The exam fee generally costs around $165 USD, though it may vary by region.

The exam typically lasts 120 minutes and contains around 40-60 questions.

While there are no formal prerequisites, practical experience with SQL Server and database concepts is highly recommended.

Roles like database developer, application developer, and data engineer benefit from this certification.

The exam includes multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and case studies.

It is considered intermediate to advanced, requiring a solid understanding of SQL Server database development.

You can retake the exam after a waiting period of 24 hours.

The passing score is typically around 700 out of 1000 points.

You can schedule the exam through the Microsoft certification website or Pearson VUE.