About Forecasting
Using past data as inputs, forecasting is a process that produces accurate predictions of the future course of trends. Businesses use forecasting to decide how to spend their budgets and make plans for forthcoming costs. Typically, this is based on the anticipated demand for the provided goods and services.
In simple terms, the process of predicting changes in a firm, such as sales, expenses, profits, and losses, is known as business forecasting. Business forecasting aims to create better plans based on these knowledgeable projections, assisting in the prevention of probable failure or losses.
Why is Forecasting important?
Businesses benefit from forecasting because it enables them to create data-driven plans and make wise business decisions. Based on the state of the market today and forecasts for the future, financial and operational decisions are taken. In order to forecast future trends and changes, historical data is collected, examined, and analyzed for patterns. Your business may avoid being reactive by using forecasting.
Who should take the Forecasting Exam?
Skills required for the forecasting exam:
- Make use of past data.
- Observe good records.
- Start with a straightforward model.
- Put a sales pipeline action plan into action.
- Utilize forecasting software.
- Include qualitative data and "what if" scenarios.
- When predicting sales, take seasonality into consideration.
- Promote cooperation across all departments.
- Include outside information as relevant.
- Think about the market's competitiveness and trends.
- Prepare for the worst while wishing for the best.
- Make frequent references to your forecasts.
Forecasting Certification Course Outline
- Introduction to Forecasting
- Seasonal Decomposition
- Visualization
- Forecasting Products & tools
- Overview of ARIMA, SARIMAX,and SARIMA
- Neural Networks Autoregression
- Parameter tuning