Angular 6 Tutorial

Angular 6 Tutorial

Building online applications and apps with JavaScript, HTML, and TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript is possible with the help of the JavaScript framework Angular 6. Angular comes with animation, HTTP service, and materials built-in, and these, in turn, include capabilities like auto-complete, navigation, toolbar, menus, etc. The code is written in TypeScript and is translated into JavaScript so that it can be shown in a web browser.

Angular 5 and Angular 6 are quite similar. Backward compatibility with Angular 5 is provided. Projects created in Angular 5 will function flawlessly with Angular 6.

Features of Angular 6

  • Updated command line interface for Angular Addition of new commands, such as ng-update for updating from an earlier version to the current version. To easily add functionality to an application and turn it into a progressive web app, use ng-add.
  • Component Development Kit (CDK) updates support building new user interface components without using the Angular Material Library. supports layouts for responsive web design. pop-up support for overlay packages.
  • New Tree components, mat-tree, and CDK-tree have been introduced to the updated Angular Material to depict hierarchical structures like trees.
  • Use of the reactive JS library RxJS
  • With the help of Angular Element, Angular Components may be published as Web Components and utilized on any HTML page. Native custom elements may be simply constructed using the Angular Element library.
  • Several Validators Permits the application of multiple validators on a form builder.
  • Tree Shaking on Services Now that the dead code can be removed, tree shaking may also be used on services.

Who is best suitable for Angular 6?

Due to its capacity to create websites with a smooth user interface and experience, Angular web development is preferred by many enterprises. Diverse Angular developer skills are consistently needed when it comes to front-end web development. One needs to gain many abilities in various programming areas and use them at the appropriate time and place to become a great Angular developer. 

However, the developer must first have practical Angular programming knowledge and thorough exposure to the Angular framework. generating forms, modules, components, and services are among the cornerstones of application development. The developer is prepared to offer excellent solutions or create stunning apps using this experience.

Major Angular Developer Skills

1. Node Package Manager (NPM)

Installing various client-side web development packages is one of the essential tools that any web developer must have. It serves as the main tool for installing Angular as well. Consequently, understanding how to install several npm packages is one of the requirements (including non-Angular packages).

2. Angular CLI

It is the most widely used package and most likely the first one you will install using NPM. When you wish to write code to set up your project, using the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) simplifies the process. It guarantees that your software will follow industry-accepted best practices.

Other advantages include saving time, altering the current app, and getting error-free working code through Angular CLI. Because of this, it is regarded as one of the fundamental abilities of an Angular developer.

3. HTML and CSS

Because HTML and CSS are the building blocks of web development, it is essential for an Angular developer to be familiar with or have expertise using both of these languages. This information enables the developer to create web apps more quickly. The fundamental building pieces for creating a useful web app are provided by Angular. 

However, one must use HTML and CSS to render it in the browser. With the aid of style libraries like Angular and others, you can design stunning user interfaces, but the basics will help you get farther in order to make the change. Additionally, Angular includes a JS console, the greatest browser developer tool for editing HTML and CSS and seeing a live preview of the changes.

4. Javascript

It is a front-end developer’s main tool. While javascript handles the function, the aforementioned HTML and CSS are intended to customize the page’s interface or appearance. For example, if you want to create a unique app or website with numerous features for your company or a customer, such as audio, videos, high-quality animation, and others. To create all of these interactive elements, you require the assistance of the js tool.

5. Typescript

The majority of client-side front-end web apps are typically developed in Javascript. The superset of Javascript called Typescript allows you to type in error-free code. For writing code, developers should use Typescript, especially when making applications. Because of its robust typing, ability to refactor the code, and excellent performance when it comes to developing huge business applications, Typescript may actually increase the team’s productivity.

6. RxJS

Even though RxJS is the reactive programming library, the Angular framework already includes it. The library contains observable streams that you may use to carry out typical activities like HTTP data requests and other asynchronous tasks.

7. Responsive design

The rise of the digital era has led to the use of the web in various devices besides laptops and PCs. Therefore, it is crucial to create web apps that work effectively across all platforms, including tablets, smartphones, watches, and more. Nowadays, a front-end developer must have a solid knowledge of responsive web development.

8. Version Control/Git

One of the finest techniques for preserving your process is this. The practice of monitoring and managing source code modifications is known as version control. Working without source control, especially when creating straightforward apps, is dangerous. Similar to typescript, which enables code refactoring, Git enables you to test new features and coding approaches. You can go back to the prior functioning version of your code if you are experimenting with a portion of it and it fails. 

Role of an Angular Developer

You should have in-depth theoretical software engineering knowledge, be an expert in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and possess exceptional project management abilities if you want to succeed as an angular developer. In the end, a top-notch angular developer may plan and create a streamlined application to business standards that precisely satisfies user wants.

  • Developing testable, reusable, and self-contained modules and components.
  • ensuring a clear dependence chain, both in terms of file links and application logic.
  • Ensuring excellent performance on PC and mobile.
  • When necessary, write non-blocking code and use cutting-edge strategies like multi-threading.
  • Teaming up with the back-end developer to create the RESTful API
  • Interacting with outside web services as well as profile improvement (memory, speed).
  • Understanding of ReactJS and NodeJS.
  • An advantage is having knowledge of back-end technologies like Node.js and Express.
  • Strong HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript skills.
  • Knowledge of the more recent ECMAScript requirements is also highly advantageous.

Salary range:

The average yearly income for an Angular Developer in India is 4.5 Lakhs, with salaries ranging from 2.0 Lakhs to 9.4 Lakhs.

Top Companies

The top companies hiring angular developers include:

  • Infosys
  • Zenya
  • L&T
  • DXC Technology
  • Deloitte
  • Maruti Suzuki
  • Cognizant

Top Angular 6 Sample Questions

Which of the following is correct about TypeScript?

A – Angular is based on TypeScript.
B – This is a superset of JavaScript.
C – TypeScript is maintained by Microsoft.
D – All of the above.

Answer: D

Router is part of which of the following module?

A – @angular/core
B – @angular/router
C – Both
D – None of above

Correct Answer: B

What is .subscribe?

A – Streams data in asynchronously
B – Streams data in synchronously
C – Both
D – None of above

Answer: C

RxJS can be used for?

A – Browser
B – Server Side
C – Both
D – None of above

Correct Answer: C

What is the decorator used for configuring your module class?

A – @NgModule
B – @NgApp
C – Both
D – None of above

Answer: A

Top Angular 6 Interview Questions

1. Define fork-join in Angular 6.

When you need to wait for several HTTP requests to be resolved, use the fork-join operator. It consolidates into a single observable array all the observables that each HTTP request returns. It then gives back the observable array.

2. Explain the use of Codelyzer in Angular 6.

The Angular TypeScript projects may be statically analyzed using the tool called Codelyzer. This tool monitor if the Angular TypeScript projects adhere to the set of linting rules by sitting on top of TSLint. It checks the Angular projects using more than 50 rules. The npm package manager may be used to add this utility to your project. The static code analysis for web applications, native script, ionic, etc. may be run using this tool.

3. Describe new features of Angular 6.
  • Support for building custom elements with Angular Components has been added.
  • Expose elements and parameters in transition matchers for animations.
  • Bazel: switch to APF v6 for the ng package rule.
  • Now supported are single-line, multi-line, and jsdoc comments.
  • Add resource inlining to ngc using the compiler-cli.
  • assistance with TypeScript 2.7.
  • Node 8 is required as the runtime engine.
4. Define the term Ivy Renderer in Angular.

The newest renderer to help with improved performance is called Ivy Renderer. The Ivy renderer reduces the bundle size and loading time, improving speed and streamlining usage at the same time. The Ivy renderer is straightforward to use and troubleshoot. The angular interpreter and template data structures are not used in this new process. These bundles can be further optimized with the help of Code splitting.

5. Define the term Bazel and Closure Compiler in Angular 6.

Google uses Bazel, a built-in utility that was released with Angular 6, extensively. It is mostly used to enhance the construction and testing of Angular apps and to optimize the Angular compilation. A function that is contained with references to its surrounding state is known as a closure in Angular JS. It allows you to use an inner function to access the function’s outer scope. Every time a function is generated in JavaScript at the creation time, closures are also produced.

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