Typescript Practice Exam
TypeScript is an programming language which has been developed by
Microsoft which compiles to JavaScript. It is open-source. TypeScript is
a superset of JavaScript as it adds static type definitions. It helps
developers to develop scalable and reliable applications for web and
mobile. It offers interfaces, classes, and generics under
object-oriented programming support. The features it adds to JavaScript
makes JavaScript to be more flexible and scalable.
Why is Typescript certification important?
- The certification certifies your skills and knowledge of developing applications using TypeScript.
- Improves your employability in web development roles.
- Boosts your career prospects as full-stack developer.
- Increases your job opportunities in TypeScript jobs.
- Makes you stand out in the TypeScript job market.
- More likely to be promoted in TypeScript software development roles in the company for your certified expertise.
Who should take the Typescript Exam?
- Frontend Developer
- Full Stack Developer
- Backend Developer
- Web Developer
- Software Engineer
- Application Developer
- Mobile App Developer (with frameworks like Ionic)
- JavaScript Developer
- UI/UX Developer
- Technical Lead or Architect
Skills Evaluated
Candidates taking the certification exam on the Typescript is evaluated for the following skills:
- TypeScript Basics
- Type Declarations
- Interfaces and Classes
- Generics
- Type Inference
- Type Aliases and Unions
- TypeScript with JavaScript Frameworks
- Module System
- Error Handling
Typescript Certification Course Outline
The course outline for Typescript certification is as below -
Domain 1 - Introduction to TypeScript
- What is TypeScript and its advantages over JavaScript?
- Installing TypeScript and setting up a development environment.
- Compiling TypeScript to JavaScript.
Domain 2 - Basic TypeScript Syntax
- Variables, types, and type annotations.
- Type inference in TypeScript.
- Type assertions and type checking.
Domain 3 - Functions in TypeScript
- Defining functions with type annotations.
- Optional and default parameters.
- Function overloading.
Domain 4 - Advanced Types
- Union types and intersection types.
- Type aliases and literal types.
- Enums and Tuples.
Domain 5 - Interfaces in TypeScript
- Defining and implementing interfaces.
- Extending interfaces.
- Using interfaces with classes and functions.
Domain 6 - Classes and Object-Oriented Programming in TypeScript
- Defining classes and constructors.
- Inheritance and access modifiers (public, private, protected).
- Abstract classes and methods.
Domain 7 - Generics in TypeScript
- Creating and using generic functions and classes.
- Constraints on generics.
- Generic interfaces and type parameters.
Domain 8 - Modules and Namespaces
- Using modules in TypeScript for code organization.
- Import and export syntax.
- Namespace usage in TypeScript.
Domain 9 - TypeScript with JavaScript Frameworks
- Integrating TypeScript with Angular, React, and Node.js.
- Using TypeScript for frontend and backend development.
Domain 10 - Error Handling and Debugging
- Exception handling in TypeScript.
- Debugging TypeScript code.