VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) refers to the hardware description language which is used to not only model but also simulate integrated circuits, FPGAs, and ASICs as well as other digital systems. The language is able to describe the behavior and structure of the electronic circuits
but at different abstraction levels, starting from high-level functional models to
low-level gate-level designs. VHDL is used in EDA (electronic design
automation) tools for development and design of electronic circuits. The language supports testing and debugging of hardware
designs before physical implementation.
Certification in VHDL verifies your skills and knowledge in designing, simulating and implementing digital circuits by using the VHDL. The certification assess you in VHDL syntax, concepts, simulation techniques, and design.
Why is VHDL certification important?
- The certification validates your skills and knowledge of VHDL.
- Shows your skills in designing and simulating digital circuits.
- Increases your employability in FPGA design.
- Validates your expertise in ASIC designs.
- Provides you a competitive edge in semiconductor companies.
- Attests to your credibility for hardware projects.
- Makes you stand out in competitive EDA job markets.
Who should take the VHDL Exam?
- FPGA Designers
- ASIC Design Engineers
- Embedded Systems Engineers
- Hardware Verification Engineers
- Digital Design Engineers
- Electronics Engineers
- Research and Development Engineers in Semiconductors
VHDL Certification Course Outline
The course outline for VHDL certification is as below -
Certificate in VHDL FAQs
What is a VHDL certification?
A credential proving your proficiency in using VHDL to design, simulate, and implement digital circuits.
Why should I get certified in VHDL?
Certification enhances your credibility and job prospects in fields like FPGA, ASIC, and embedded systems design.
Who should pursue a VHDL certification?
Professionals in electronics, hardware design, and semiconductor industries, such as FPGA designers or ASIC engineers.
How does the VHDL certification exam benefit my career?
The VHDL certification exam increases your job prospects, professional credibility, and earning potential.
How to register for the VHDL certification exam?
You can directly go to the VHDL certification exam page, click- Add to Cart, make payment and register for the exam.
What happens if I fail in the VHDL certification exam?
You will be required to re-register and appear for the VHDL certification exam. There is no limit on exam retake.
How many questions will be there in the VHDL certification exam?
There will be 50 questions of 1 mark each in the VHDL certification exam.
Is there any negative marking in the VHDL certification exam?
No there is no negative marking in the VHDL certification exam.
What is the passing score for the VHDL certification exam?
You have to score 25/50 to pass the VHDL certification exam.
When will the result be declared for the VHDL certification exam?
The result will be declared immediately on exam submission.